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Data and rights in childhood and adolescence in the digital environment: paths to legal protection in Brazil and Argentina

 Data and rights in childhood and adolescence in the digital environment: paths to legal protection in Brazil and Argentina

For a year the Asociación por los Derechos Civiles – ADC, Data Privacy Brazil Research Association and Alana Institute joined a study group to think about possible ways to develop a digital environment free of commercial exploitation so that Latin American children and adolescents can freely develop their fundamental rights.As a result, it was produced the report “Data and rights in childhood and adolescence in the digital environment: paths to legal protection in Brazil and Argentina”. The document has as its main objective the importance of institutes and standards for children’s protection in the digital environment, especially the integral protection, priority and progressive protection in its international dimension and its practical application in Brazil and Argentina. By contrasting these institutes with the data-driven business models prevalent in the digital environment, the report proposes a latin american agenda for the data protection of children and adolescents.