Texto | Defending Brazil from techno-authoritarianism | Asymmetries and Power
The Base Registry in the Supreme’s Aim
![The Base Registry in the Supreme’s Aim](https://www.dataprivacybr.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/dpbr_ong_site_materiais_tecno_cadastrobase_jota.jpg)
Essay published in Jota, in April 2021, on the Basic Register of citizens and the main points analyzed by the Supreme Court. Essay written by Helena Secaf, Izabel Nuñez and Rafael Zanatta.
The essay explains why risk mitigation measures are insufficient, how the case connects with the precedent of the IBGE case and how the Supreme Court can create a more rigorous test of public interest assessment in the sharing of personal data, for secondary uses, within the public authorities.
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