Fernanda Bruno is a professor at the Graduation Program in Communication and Culture at the Institute of Psychology of UFRJ. She is the coordinator of MediaLab.UFRJ, a researcher at CNPq and a founding member of the Latin American Network for Studies in Surveillance, Technology and Society/LAVITS. She was a visiting researcher at Sciences Po, Paris (2010-2011) and at the Department of Digital Humanities of King’s College, London (2019-2020). She is currently a research fellow at the Surveillance Studies Centre at Queens University, Canada. Some of her recent books include: “Máquinas de ver, modos de ser: vigilância, tecnologia e subjetividade” (Sulina, 2013) (“Machines of watching, ways of being: surveillance, technology and subjectivity”) and “Tecnopolíticas da Vigilância: perspectivas da margem” (2018, Boitempo) (“Techno policies of Surveillance: perspectives of the margin”)

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